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Senior Sunrise

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

On the 21 of August, while the Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors were taking the PSAT, the Seniors were up very early in the morning, traveling to Sloan’s lake to watch the sunrise. Only being the 5th day of school, it was a time for the seniors to spend time together. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, with a heavy cloud cover as the sun rose behind the lake, blocking out the majority of it. As the sunrise began to vanish behind the clouds, some of the seniors caught up on their lost sleep, while others took to playing games brought by staff and students. There was also a potluck, the majority being muffins, pastries, and fruit, helping to satisfy the early morning hunger. As the morning continued, some small groups decided to walk around the lake, which ended up being a two hour long walk. As the sun came out in full force, temperatures began to rise, and people began migrating to the shade. However, as quoted from a person who wishes to remain anonymous, “The teachers had monopolized on this shade earlier in the day, though…”, so some of the students had to sit in the sun. Overall, despite the weather situation, Senior Sunrise offered an interesting experience.

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