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With new leadership come new changes

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

Critical incident reports, the Speak Up form, or “The Form” is a new program this year at Byers. Despite being met with some preliminary skepticism from some members of the student body, the administration and staff leading the program are quite happy with the results, as well as the coming growth and expansion they expect.

Nearly 90 responses have been submitted--which is important--but not the “most important” part of this process. Mr. Franzblau is proud of the methods in place for following up with these incidents. He explained that no incident is the same and therefore cannot be handled the same way. Severity, which includes the intent and effect of the incident, determines the depth of response; some of the handful severe incidents constituted about 20 step processes until everyone involved felt that the issue had been handled fairly, justly, and completely. Other incidents are less extreme and warrant a less extensive response. About 20% of reports explain that significant intervention is not necessary which administration believes is a testament to our students’ maturity and courage.

While much of the data leaves many quite hopeful, some data points are less encouraging. Around 75% of reports filed have been by “staff or (a) community member”; many attribute this majority to students feeling more comfortable speaking with a teacher or advisor rather than filling out a form. Administrators are pleased that students feel comfortable having these conversations, and believe that conversation is the best method to resolving incidents; however, the form is designed to give students an avenue to address an incident if they “do not feel comfortable about communicating in person”. The 90 responses received does not represent fully represent our community’s experience in the last month. It’s important to note that these follow ups are intended to open up a space to “discuss and have a real conversation”. As new improvements are made, it is well understood that a “trust development process,” needs to be a focus, “especially with high school.”

There is, and probably will be, a lot of the time with a “difference in opinion” between students and creators of new programs, especially if they are lead by admin and not the student body. “The Form” is a first step toward our new school director’s vision for students now and the school after we all leave. The admirable goal is to create a community which strives toward equity, acceptance, and unity. Speak Up is one of many changes that are being put into place while striving to create this culture where all are known and feel valued.

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