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The Orphan the Poet Interview

While I was at The Score’s concert a few months ago, one of the opening bands was The Orphan the Poet. I was immediately hooked on their music when they started playing “Money,” a song about being able to value and have fun with someone despite not having any money. In today’s society, a lot of people rely upon money as a catalyst for enjoying life instead of taking time to enjoy the people they are with. The Orphan The Poet sheds light on the fact that nothing is more priceless than someone you value.

The Orphan the Poet is an alternative rock band from Ohio. Their songs range from upbeat to mellow, having messages ranging from living life before it’s too late, as well as confronting awful thoughts. The band consists of David Eselgroth (vocals), Jake Floyd (bass), and Sam Gordon (drums). Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Jake, the bassist, from The Orphan the Poet. Below is the interview:

1) As a band, what are some inspirational and hilarious moments you guys have had together?

Being able to play in cities we’ve never been and have people know our songs, that is single handedly the most inspirational thing every night. It’s truly mind blowing. I can’t wait to do it every night for the rest of my life.

2) What is some advice you would give to someone interested in starting a band?

Keep having fun. As bands grow, there becomes more and more business involved. But always remember to have fun, that’s what keeps it all together.

3) Why did you guys' start the band?

I (Jake) met David through the local music scene in Ohio. We have been playing music together for a little bit, but once we met Sam, that’s when we really knew we had something worth trying for. He was our missing link, so we captured him from his home in Indiana and brought him to Columbus, and here we are!

4) Who inspires your band?

So many things. Music wise? We are inspired by new artists every day. Currently I’m on a big Bishop Briggs kick, i think everything she does is perfect and pure.

5) Who inspires you personally?

Personally? I am so inspired by the bands I grew up listening to: Fall Out Boy, Green Day, etc. Music aside, those are the bands that I had the posters of that made me first want to play music.

6) What are some funny moments you and the band have had together?

I feel like every day we have a new little inside joke. Currently, David is saying that things “boil his glue” (meaning either something gets him really excited OR really mad). It’s stupid, we know.

7) Which song that you guys' have created is your favorite, and why?

Money is a really special one, because it came together so fast. Typically, a band will demo a song and make revision after revision until going into the studio. Well, we had 3 days booked in the studio and on the first day, decided to write a brand new song. That song was Money, and we recorded it the next two days.

8) What are some struggles The Orphan The Poet faces as a band, and how do you overcome them as a band?

Showing up to a show where a club full of people have no clue who we are might seem like a struggle, but it is probably my favorite thing. Trying to win over a crowd is the most difficult but also the most rewarding thing.

9) What does the song writing process look like for you?

It’s never a specific process. David is the machine when it comes to songwriting. He is always cranking out new ideas, so sometimes it’ll stem from an idea he has, then we start tweaking and tweaking. Or sometimes we are all locked in a studio and have to come up with something from scratch. It’s always an adventure!

10) Why is the band called "The Orphan The Poet"?

The band is named after a friend of David’s from high school.

11) Within the music video for "Still Buzzin," how did Dave cope with the fact that there were bees all over his face and neck? Did he get stung?

He got stung once! We only had 15 minutes to shoot the entire video, so [I] think he just powered through. It was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in real life!

The Orphan The Poet Contact:

YouTube: The Orphan The Poet


Instagram: @totpband

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