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Horoscopes (February 2018)

Aries (March 21- April 21): Recent scientific studies show that you should immediately start watching a new show that has a minimum of ten seasons. Trust the scientists.

Taurus (April 22- May 21): Sometime in the upcoming weeks, morning meeting will end at exactly 8:30. This day will turn out to be one of the best days of your high school career.

Gemini (May 22- June 21): The Valentine’s Day section at your local grocery store has tons of chocolates, and they’re all on sale. So pick up that snow shovel and hope for a lot of snow...

Cancer (June 22- July 22): The more chocolates you eat, the better you’ll do on tri 2 finals. Don’t question it. Just do it.

Leo (July 23- August 22): As the third trimester approaches, you find it is appropriate to begin the countdown to summer.

Virgo (August 23- September 22): While working on an extremely difficult problem in math class, you will realize the true meaning of life. Also, the answer to the math problem is 42.

Libra (September 23- October 22): As the spring season approaches, you will make a new spring playlist with your headphone privileges.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21): You begin a mission to try to get nominated for an award, mostly so you can finally wear your favorite pajamas for a dress down day.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21): You begin to take up prophecy as an after school activity. While practicing, you predict the zombie apocalypse will start very very soon. As a result, you begin to stock your room with as much food possible.

Capricorn (December 22- January 20): You will be faced with a moral dilemma very soon. Another episode of your favorite show? Or that one summative project you’ve been putting off that’s due tomorrow? Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Aquarius (January 21- February 19): As the trimester comes to an end, reflect on the past trimester. And then do the exact opposite this trimester (as a fun experiment)... for better or for worse...

Pisces (February 20- March 20): You will find geofilters of memes on snapchat, and spam your story until you get blocked by a minimum of four people.

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